
Showing posts from July, 2017

Faded Self

This last week we had the opportunity of being the “missionaries at camp” for high school week at Camp of the Good Shepherd. The person who was lined up to lead worship also got sick last minute, so I was recruited to lead worship for the week as well. I grew up going to weekend camps and other activities at this camp (although back then it was called Camp of the Risen Son), so it was a little surreal being on the campgrounds as an adult. It was interesting being on “the other side of things.” Instead of being a camper, I was the one speaking into the students’ lives and encouraging them to love Jesus and share their faith. Camp of the Good Shepherd is owned and operated by a parent mission organization called “For God’s Children International”. They are a mission’s organization that works primarily in the countries of Romania and Moldova. It was great meeting people who work for this great organization and see their heart for loving people and telling them about Jesus. Througho