
Yesterday was a national holiday here in Germany, Unity Day. This is the day where Germany celebrates becoming a united country. In 1989 the Berlin wall came down and in 1990 West and East Germany officially reunited. I am amazed by Germany as a nation. I am amazed at how two nations were able to reunite so peaceably and effectively. They combined two economies, they have worked to overcome differences, they dealt with the pain of the past, and today Germany is one of the leading economies in the world. Unity... I love that symbol of the wall being torn down, and the country being... united!

As I think about this day and all that it represents, my mind can't help but go towards scripture. The book of Matthew says this about the time of Jesus' death, "And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom."  (Matthew 27:50-51 NIV)

Within the temple there was a curtain separating the Most Holy of Holies from everything else. This curtain was ultimately a symbol of our separation from God. Our sins separated us from God; our uncleanliness kept us from having a personal relationship with God. Jesus changed all of that. When Christ died on the cross, he paid the price for our sins and was our ultimate atonement. He made us clean. The barrier that once existed between God and man was removed... the curtain was torn. Not only was it torn, but Matthew makes a point of writing that it was torn from top to bottom. God was the one who removed the barrier! Mankind has been reunited with God through the blood of Christ....that is the greatest story of unity ever told.

My mind wonders further still. I think about our world today and how easy it is to connect with others. We live in a world where I can hop on a plane and in less than 24 hours see family and friends in the States. We live in a world where I can instantly video chat with most anyone in most any part of the world. We are connected like never before!

Yet, when I watch the news it seems like our world is far from united. We allow ourselves to be segregated based on things like: socioeconomic background, race, gender, popularity, hobbies, etc..... We are so connected, yet remain so divided. I don't think it is any wonder why we see Jesus in the book of John praying for unity before heading to the cross. Unity is not first nature to mankind, but it is first nature to God! God is in the business of unifying.

Jesus prays in John 17:22-23, "I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."

When the Church is united powerful things happen! When Christians unite the hungry are fed, the poor receive provision, the hopeless find hope and lives are saved! My prayer is for the Church, not just in Germany, but around the world to unite in common purpose and cause! United we stand, divided we fall. When Christians unite under the banner of Christ the very gates of Hell tremble.

As I reflect on Unity Day and what it means for this country, I can't help but feel joy at the fact that Christ paid the price and the division between God and man was forever torn down. And I pray that Christians would be united in bringing that good news to everyone who needs to hear it. May the world be changed by Christians united in vision and purpose!


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